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Our current moment is calling forth new forms of Leadership, leaders who can navigate highly complex systems and manage paradox skillfully.


acting from a place of certainty, having all the "right" answers -

need to discern the right questions and mobilize collective wisdom.


managing from the top of a hierarchy -

manage networks and involve the right stakeholders.


managing a stable set of objectives -

articulate a compelling vision, but hold outcomes lightly, as conditions shift.

Consider your most pressing leadership challenge.

Are any of these conditions present for you?

If so, you may find yourself needing to show up differently, needing to deploy a different set of leadership competencies. This can be uncomfortable, and this is where Leadership Coaching can yield powerful results.

    Leaders often see it as to a sign of weakness admit that they need help, (but) good leaders have the humility to learn.
    — Nick Petrie, Center for Creative Leadership

Through the Coaching Process, I will

  • Provide you with feedback about your ‘blind spots’;

  • Help make visible the mental models that might be derailing you;

  • Provide you with tools to break through self-imposed limitations;

  • Act as ally while you push yourself into new territory;

  • Help you cultivate leadership presence and step into your authentic power.

Leadership and Executive Coaching grows individual as well as organizational leadership capacity.




Coaching for Emotional Intelligence

“I engaged Sepha as an Executive Coach and it was so helpful, I brought her in to work with the rest of our Senior Leadership Team”  - COO, On-Line Retailer

One individual on the Senior Leadership Team in particular had an interpersonal style, which was limiting his effectiveness as a leader: the Chief Technology Officer, Sanjay (name has been changed to protect privacy.)

One of his first initiatives involved the roll out a new software system that would impact every part of the business. The implementation was meeting with resistance and was in jeopardy of stalling. This was brought on, in part, by Sanjay’s communication style, which peers described as “arrogant” and “combative”. “He has to be the smartest guy in the room.”


Feedback from a 360-degree survey revealed Sanjay’s interpersonal blind spots. Working with Kegan and Lahey’s Immunity to Change model, he was able to understand what triggered these self-limiting behaviors. Following a 9-month period of leadership coaching, there were significant improvements on Sanjay’s 360-survey, especially in the areas of Listening for Understanding and the Capacity to Influence Others and this was manifested in actions such as the initiation of a cross-functional implementation team. The software rollout was invested with new forward momentum and Sanjay became a more effective Chief Technology Officer.

"Emotional Intelligence is the sine qua non of leadership. Without it, a person can have the best training in the world, an incisive, analytical mind, and an endless supply of smart ideas, but he still won’t make a great leader.”
- Daniel Goleman, Harvard Business Review

From Manager to Director

“I had been in leadership roles for over a decade before I took on a new role as a Director. My conversations about leadership with Sepha kept me grounded and helped me navigate new and sometimes treacherous waters effectively.  I look back at the goals that I set in the beginning:
•  Develop more confidence in my approach, and become more assertive
•  Become more curious
•  Build a collaborative, high performing team, where we respect and support each other
“I clearly have made significant progress toward achieving each one of my goals.I feel so much more comfortable in my own skin, and certainly more comfortable filling the shoes of a Director. It couldn’t have happened without learning new behaviors and finding my voice.  None of us get where we’re going alone. Sepha has been there, cheering me on, opening doors, and working behind the scenes with me.”
- Director, Enterprise Software Energy Solutions Company
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