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A respected Coach and Organization Development Consultant, I have worked with a broad cross-section of clients in the private sector, non-profits, government, academia and the arts.


I adopt a systems approach when working with organizations, grounding programs in business needs. I’ve helped many organizations create cultures that are high-performing and where employees are empowered to make meaningful contributions, while at the same time - loving their work.


Individually, I've enabled thousands of people to live fuller, more meaningful lives. I've helped clients find careers they love, taught powerful techniques for changing self-limiting patterns and coached people to reach their full potential.

Context. What informs my work?

We certainly live in exciting times. I believe we are on the cusp of a new world and it is my fervent hope this world will be characterized by a recognition of our interdependence and a sense of caring and reverence for all life. But such a world is not inevitable. I believe we have to consciously choose and work to embody this new world that wants to be born. It is incumbent on all of us, as Gandhi said, to “Be the change” we want to see in the world. Whatever your calling, whatever your gifts, it would be my great privilege to accompany you on your path. My work is dedicated to expanding your capacity to contribute your gifts to make this a better world.



  • Trained as a coach at the Academy for
    Coaching Excellence


  • MA in Career Development, JFK University

  • MA, UC Berkeley, Organization Behavior

  • I have coached executives and leaders across a range of organizations and business sectors

  • Certified to administer a variety of Assessment tools – including Myers-Briggs, Strong Interest Inventory, StrengthsFinder, Skillscan, Enneagram, Leider’s Life Purpose Inventory, TLC (The Leadership Circle)

  • I have helped 1,000s of clients find work they love and cultivate lives of meaning and purpose

  • Have consulted with hundreds of organizations ranging from start-ups to the Fortune 200

  • Certified Master Trainer

  • Long-time mindfulness practitioner

  • International perspective, having lived and worked overseas for 16 years

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